Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting pine cones

Over the weekend we were talking about doing some art work/projects at home and would need some pine cones. Rather than raiding the neighbors back yard... I took Emma out to the forest for a walk and see what we might find (yeah this is where we went to home depot on the way home and got pooh on our lawn... read more).

So we are walking along to see what we can find. As you may have heard Emma can be quite a big talker. So as we heard a woodpecker I am (being really clever) saying "hey Emma... maybe if we are really quite we can hear different birds and maybe even see some"
Sooo we look around for birdies...

Look dad there is a big stick. I can't lift that one but I can sit on it...
Yep that would be Emma....
Finding another stick that she could lift she was plowing the path. It is supposed to be a path for the ants to use... hmm yeah... she was occupied doing that for quite some time...

Finally we have walked for a good bit and we are starting to get ready to see the truck and head off to home depot.
On the "home-stretch" we noticed the lack of birds and Emma had a few quick questions:

Emma: Dad, where are all the birds?
Me: They are around. They just like to hide and fly around.
Emma: Dad, where do the birds fly to?
Me: ehh many of them fly down south for the winter where it's warmer.
Emma: Dad, why do birds fly down south for the winter?
Me: well... you know it's warmer and some birds don't like the cold weather.
Emma: nooooooo it's because it's to far to walk!!!

yeah she got me on that one. She actually told a joke and fit it in perfectly and I didn't see that one coming....


Krista said...

That's awesome! I love the joke!

Pdyrholm said...

the joke kind of came out of the blue... so she kind of caught me by surprise...