Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Heading to Skagen

Travel info:

Travel Date: July 24, 2008
Destination: Skagen

Check out Jacki's part of the story on her blog as this post is more a less a continuation or side note to that one.

Being the tip of Denmark there is a lot of ships passing here every day. Some being big cargo ships but there is a large variety of ships and their purpose.
I have made a small collection of the different ships/boats you see while being at the beach.

Being a really nice summer day there is always a lot of activity and the ocean view is great. Just take a look at these picturesque beach views.

All the young people getting the game on

Emma in her element

Now looks at those blue waves

Getting to the very tip of Denmark does require a little beach walking that will take you over the dunes and along the water to the tip where you can see the two oceans "collide". As you can see in the photos below it's a very popular place to visit and during the summer time there are always people here. Winter time is something totally different ;-)

Finally from the beach here is a panoramic (yeah I tried getting a few of these even though I am not sure if this is one I took or Jacki did).
Ohh you may have to click the photo to get a larger version to really view it ;-)

1 comment:

United Studies said...

It sure was fun that day. :-)