Saturday, September 13, 2008

First fishing trip

We finally got to go on Emma's first fishing trip. Equipped with a Barbie fishing rod (the one with the purple butterfly "hook") we headed of for C. M. Crockett Park and Germantown lake.

So here goes the first throw with the fishing rod. First throw into water that is... we practiced the throwing quite a bit at home ;-)

As you can clearly see Emma got that thing under control. Leaving dad kind of nervous at every throw but we did pretty good. Unfortunately the fish didn't really want to bite that day so we didn't catch much.

After fishing for a bit we ventured around the park heading for the playground. However in the middle of the park they had put up a cooling down tent or whatever you prefer to call it. Basically it's a cover where water is misted out below it and it will cool you down. Unfortunately here you would also get muddy feet but I guess if you are sufficiently hot it doesn't really matter ;-)

Here we reached the playground. Or well at least one of us did. There must be something about kids and seeing a playground that just makes them run like crazy ;-)

Maybe it's because we are big now and started school and all. Before the playground was fun but with limitations such as not really liking the tunnels or closed slides. Now that has all changed. Every part of the playground is being charged at full speed...

Of course this was a fishing trip so we had to go back and see if the fish cooled down and woke up from their nap to have their dinner time. But it didn't seem to be our lucky day for catching anything.

As you can see here the park is a pretty one. So even though you leave without having caught a fish. It's nice and relaxing.

1 comment:

United Studies said...

We'll have to go back when it is cooler and the fish are actually biting. :-)

I enjoyed the trip, too, here at home reading. ;-)